orgonite pyramids

Each of our handcrafted orgonite pyramids is a powerful blend of natural elements and intentional design. Combining the energy-amplifying properties of crystals, metals, and resin, these pyramids are created to harmonize and balance the energy in your space. Whether you're seeking protection, grounding, or a boost in your meditation practice, our orgonite pyramids offer both beauty and function.

Designed with intention, these pieces not only serve as stunning decorative accents but also work to transmute negative energy into positive, healing vibrations. Each pyramid is carefully crafted with select crystals and metals, chosen for their unique properties and energetic benefits.

Explore the magic of orgonite and experience the transformation it can bring to your environment and personal well-being.

Please contact Caroline directly for purchase inquiries or custom pieces at

medium amethyst pyramid

$115 | 4.5” height, 4” square base

Amethyst Cluster - balances, reduces stress and pain, opens crown chakra

Selenite - cleansing, powerful healer

Star Mica - angelic, reflects negative awareness, increases expressiveness

Green Aventurine - luck, strength, confidence, courage, and happiness

Yellow Jasper - brings balance and wellbeing, discernment

Copper - conducts electrical impulses and magnifies the transfer of energy

large lapis lazuli pyramid

$125 | 5.25” height, 4.75” square base

Lapis Lazuli Tower - throat and third eye cleansing, supports wisdom and communication

Blue Calcite - balances emotions, removes emotional blockages

Pyrite - powerful protection stone that shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and energy

Green Aventurine - luck, strength, confidence, courage, and happiness

Star Mica - angelic, reflects negative awareness, increases expressiveness

Copper - conducts electrical impulses and magnifies the transfer of energy

Aquamarine - help you sift through energy and information, create mental clarity, and soothe an overactive mind;

Amethyst - balances, reduces stress and pain, opens crown chakra

medium sparkly amethyst pyramid

$115 | 4.5” height, 4” square base

Amethyst Cluster - balances, reduces stress and pain, opens crown chakra

Selenite - cleansing, powerful healer

Star Mica - angelic, reflects negative awareness, increases expressiveness

Blue Calcite - balances emotions, removes emotional blockages

Copper - conducts electrical impulses and magnifies the transfer of energy

Pyrite - powerful protection stone that shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and energy

small orange calcite pyramid

$75 | 5.25” height, 4.75” square base

Orange Calcite Tower - balances emotions, supports self-confidence and self-sufficiency

Copper - conducts electrical impulses and magnifies the transfer of energy

Selenite - cleansing, powerful healer

Pyrite - powerful protection stone that shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and energy

Green Aventurine - luck, strength, confidence, courage, and happiness