Our nature is Abundance. Contained within us is both limitless potential and the unique Vision we each hold to bring this Abundance into form and expand Wealth. It is up to us to alchemize the many lessons and challenges we currently face and have been gifted into Abundance and Wealth.

It is important to know that how we do one thing is how we do all things. In understanding the energy of Abundance and learning to tap into the power of Wealth building, we discover the path to greater Abundance and Wealth in all areas of our life.


200hr meditation teacher training

The 200hr Online Meditation Teacher Training Program by Soul-Aligned Wellness is designed for anyone interested in deepening their practice of meditation and learning how to offer the gift of meditation to others. Whether you choose to teach a class, a retreat, your friends and family, or focus on personal development, Meditation Teacher Training is an opportunity to dive deeper into your understanding of awareness and to promote the cultivation of mindfulness in both your life and others.

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300hr breathwork facilitator training

Over 300 hrs of dynamic and integrative online learning, together we will uncover the mysteries of the Breath. Through both theory and suggested practice, you will gain the experience, support and practical tools you need to both embody and share the transformative practices of Breathwork. You will learn a wide variety of Breath practices and techniques, their unique benefits and how to craft authentic Breathwork Journeys for a variety of applications..

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Orgonite + resin art

My handmade orgonite creations are more than just beautiful pieces; they are powerful tools designed to elevate the energy of any environment. Each piece is a unique blend of natural and found materials, infused with energetically potent orgonite and carefully selected crystals.

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soul-aligned business

Whether you are looking for support in growing your Soul-Aligned biz, building out a stellar business plan, creating a beautiful website that embodies your essence, or creating a course to help expand, you’ve come to the right place

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Caroline Stewart


As a Soulful Space Holder and Visionary Life + Business Coach, I empower heart-centred humans go from craving connection and deeper meaning to living on purpose with crystal clear Vision and confidence to stand fully in their Divine Power.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve built multiple successful businesses in Wellness, Personal Growth, and Soulful Business, been through the gamut of all the things that can and do go wrong, and learned a sh*t ton along the way about how to lead with heart and to build a solid Soul-Aligned biz that brings abundance in ALL areas of your life (finances, health, relationship, purpose and more!).