08 - This Beautiful Mess - Purpose as the Path
What if you didn’t need to wait until everything was figured out to live in alignment with your purpose? What if the mess — the questions, the uncertainty, the heartbreak, the becoming — was the path?
In this episode, I open up about the sacred permission to begin right where you are. We explore what it means to be called forward before you're ready, to say yes to a purpose that doesn't demand perfection, and to trust the deeper knowing that rises even when everything feels undone.
This is a love letter to the mess — and to the beauty that lives inside it. Whether you’re in transition, seeking clarity, or simply navigating your next step, may this episode remind you that your purpose isn’t waiting at the finish line. It’s walking with you now.
07 - Initiations in Love
What if love isn’t something we seek, but something we remember? In this episode, I share my initiation into love while in Bali, moving through portals of love and deeper remembrance.
We explore the original fear of separation and the original desire to return home, the dance of forgetting and remembering, and the truth that we are not just in love—we are love itself.
Through the lens of relationships, sacred union, and conscious devotion, we uncover what it means to be a clear channel of love in the world.
Join me in this conversation on the nature of love, our purpose, and the beauty of being uniquely human.
06 - Letting Life Change You
I don't even know where to begin with this one. Sacred Economics has rocked my world and my world view. It's an answer to a prayer.
A wish for deeper understanding of how to be in right relationship. How to share more openly, more freely. And how to receive in gratitude.
May this episode meet you where you are and perhaps offer a new possibility of what it means to be abundant.
05 - For Love or Money? The Truth of Heart Offerings and Transactions
I don't even know where to begin with this one. Sacred Economics has rocked my world and my world view. It's an answer to a prayer.
A wish for deeper understanding of how to be in right relationship. How to share more openly, more freely. And how to receive in gratitude.
May this episode meet you where you are and perhaps offer a new possibility of what it means to be abundant.
04 - sacred economics- From Scarcity to Generosity and Gratitude
I don't even know where to begin with this one. Sacred Economics has rocked my world and my world view. It's an answer to a prayer.
A wish for deeper understanding of how to be in right relationship. How to share more openly, more freely. And how to receive in gratitude.
May this episode meet you where you are and perhaps offer a new possibility of what it means to be abundant.
03 - all the way alive
What does it mean to be All the Way Alive? Well, I certainly know what it means to not be...
02 - What is the universal field asking of you?
This episode dives into a question that changed everything for me: What is the Universal Field asking of you?
At first, I didn’t know how to answer. I realized my stuck patterns and fears were shaping my desires, so instead of forcing an answer, I chose to live in the question.
The answers that come aren’t about comfort—they often ask us to let go, step into the unknown, or completely shift direction. But I didn’t come here to live comfortably; I came to feel deeply, to grow, and to be alive. This isn’t a question to solve or a goal to chase—it’s an ever-emerging energy. Staying open, listening for signs, and trusting the threads has been my way of answering.
Now I offer it to you: What is the Universal Field asking of you?
01 - welcome back + past year reflections
It's been a while since I've recorded anything resembling a Podcast episode. Perhaps a couple of years. While I won't be picking up where I left off with The Inspiration Network Podcast, I will be continuing...
May this return to the world of sharing in this way offer some perspective, care, attention to what it means to begin again and to reflect back.